Buku ini adalah sebuah buku tentang peranan departemen personalia dalam pengelolaan sumberdaya manusia. Tujuannya adalah memperkenalkan konsep-konsep dasar dan praktek manajemen personalia modern. Pembaca akan memperoleh pemahaman yang berguna atas fungsi personalia baik bagi yang akan meniti karier dalam bidang manajemen personalia maupun bidang disiplin lainnya.
Inilah pemunculan pertama edisi kedua buku Pengantar Teori Mikroekonomi karya Sadono Sukirno setelah edisi pertama terbukti unggul menjadi acuan pokok perkuliahan mikroekonomi selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun. Pada edisi kedua buku ini tal sekedar ditampilkan dalam format baru, lebih dari itu substansi pun telah mengalami perbaikan dan pembaharuan besar terutama di dalam pengorganisasian teks…
Pasokan pangan dan gizi yang tepat amat penting dalam pemeliharaan kesehatan. pangan tidak saja harus tersedia dalam jumlah yang cukup serta mengandung gizi yang memadai.
Kebakaran membawa kerugian yang tidak sedikit bagi manusia. Dampaknya mulai dari kehilangan harta benda, kerugian secara psikologis berkepanjangan, sampai hilangnya nyawa manusia.
Penyalahgunaan NAPZA ( Narkotika, Psikotropika, dan Zat Adiktif) atau biasa di sebut narkoba merupakan salah satu masalah yang sangat memprihatinkan. sebenernya, bahan-bahan narkoba apabila tidak disalahgunakan merupakan bahan yang berguna, baik bagi kesehatan maupun kehidupan sehari-hari.
This book is dedicated to Carolyn, Christopher, David, Lauren, and Mark.
'' This book is very special in my life. It is the very first Wall Street book I ever read. After reading 1,200 additional finance books, The Battle for Investment Survival principles and concepts are still valid to consistent success.''
This edition includes four new chapters, covering recent ideas about human capital, fertility and economic growth, the division of labor, economic considerations within the family, and inequality in earnings.
This book collects I 9 invited essays about aspects of management and organisational behaviour that pose particular challengs.
This brief text offers a practical, step-by-step introduction to the theory and practice of small group communication.
''The advantage of this text is its attention to gender, race and class. It successfully integrates these issues into the very core of the chapters... A comprehensive, well organized, intelligent discussion of the major issues.''-Beth Mintz, University of Vermont. ''This book is much more multiculturally inclusive than most on the market.''- Linda Grant, University of Georgia.
The field of engineering has become far more complex than the traditional research, development, design, contruction, and operation of facilities. Prevention of industrial accidents, reduction in workplace exposure to toxic chemicals, and the protection of human health and the environment have increased dramatically in importance during the past decade. Industry has responded to this shift in e…
ANNUAL EDITIONS : Physical Anthropology 02/03 is one in a series of over seventy-five volumes, each designed to provide convenient, inexpensive acces to a wide range of current, carefully selected articles from some of the most respected magazines, newspapers, and journals published today. Within the pages of this volume are interesting, well-illustrated articles by anthropologist, educators, r…
These are unabridged paperback reprints of established titles widely used by universities and colleges throughout the world.