Gagasan pembuatan buku Perjalanan Mengenal Astronomi ini bermula dari banyaknya pertanyaan tentang Astronomi yang disampaikan oleh pengunjung Observatorium Bosscha dan dari keinginan mereka untuk mengetahui lebih dalam tentang Astronomi. Kurangnya buku Astronomi populer dalam bahasa Indonesia semakin memperkuat keinginan kami untuk mewujudkan buku ini.
Pengetahuan Peta Sebagai sumber informasi data-data permukaan bumi, peta topografi mempunyai kelebihan yang tidak dimiliki sumber informasi lainnya. Karena selain mudah dan menarik untuk dibaca, peta juga praktis untuk disimpan dalam lemari/tas dan mudah dibawa ke lapangan, serta harganya juga relatif murah. Walaupun demikian, peta dapat pula menjadi sumber kesalahan, misalnya karena kesalahan…
Buku ini membahas berbagai segi fisis bintang, yaitu struktur dan evolusi bintang, dan cara mengamati bintang.
Apakah kamu kesulitan mendapatka gagasan-gagasan bagus untuk lomba dan pameran sains? Apakah kamu ingin mendapatkan nilai tambah untuk mata pelajaran sainsmu? Atau, apakah hanya ingin tahu lebih mendalam tantang bagaimana alam semesta bekarja? A+ Proyek-Proyek Astronimi dari Janice VanCleave dapat membantumu, dan yang terpenting adalah percobaan-percobaan dalam buku ini tidak memerlukan perleng…
Buku ini merupakan kumpulan tulisan lepas di beberapa media massa harian yaitu, Pikiran Rakyat, ANTARA dan harian Republika. Maksud yang terkandung dalam buku ini lebih bersifat mengantar dan memperluas wawasan aspek ilmu pengetahuan yang berada di balik angka-angka dalam kalendar Masehi.
Dalam buku ini Halaman-halamannya dipadati dengan informasi penting tentang Bumi, mulai dari proses terbentuknya Bumi hingga cuaca di Bumi.
Epilogue We have had our tour of the universe. We have seen the stars and planets, the matter betwen the stars, and the distant objects in our universe like quasars and clusters of galaxies. We have learned how our universe is expanding and that is is bathed ini a glow of radio waves. We have basked in the glory of a stellar explosion whose light and neutinos have just reached earth.
This book provides an accessible and up-to-date introduction to the field for graduate students and serves as a modern source of reference for active researchers in this field.
Pearson International Edition This is a special international edition of an established title widely used by colleges and universities throughout the world. Pearson Education International published this special edition for the benefit of students outside the United States and Canada. If you purchased this book within the United States or Canada you should be aware that it has been wrongful…
This module containing for Training on Earth and Space Science for Teachers
It is generally accepted tha the term space weather refers to the time-variable conditions in the space evironment that may effect space-borne or ground based technological systems and, in the worst case, endanger human health or life. Therefore there are social and economic aspects of this type of research: one tries to avoid consequences of space weather events by system design of efficient w…
This book is part of a series of textbooks written to provide complete coverage of the OCR physics specification A. Cosmology covers all the A2-year option material for the module of the same name. It is suitable for use with any A-level physics course.
Topics: - Net and other Telescope Network - Astronomy Databases - New Scientific Activies Enabled by Telescope Network and Databases - Educations Based on Technologies -Expanding Global HOU to Other Nations
This Second Edition of Sun, Earth and Sky updates the popular text by providing compherensive accounts of the most recent discoveries made by five modern solar spacecraft during the past decade.
Tackling environmental issues such as global warming, ozone depletion, acid rain, water pollution, and soil contamination requires an understanding of the underlying science and chemistry of these processes in real-world systems and situations. Chemistry for Environmental and Earth Science provides a student-friendly introduction to the basic chemistry used for the mitigation, remediation, and …
Seven Years later, william Beebe and Otis Barton became the first humans to observe osean life from the depth of almost 1 km.
This texbook is the first of two separately published but integrated parts which together provide a compherensive outline of earth history covering the whole of the geological time-span on a world -wide basis. The two books are presented as an entity, integrating the records of events that took place at or near the earth's surface with those of tectonic, metamorphic and magmatic events occuring…
This series complements the background books produced by the Nuffield Secondary Science projects. Under the editorship of the Organizer, the books are written by authors closely associated with the development and spirit of the project.
PERSIAPAN adalah saat terpenting untuk memperoleh hasil MEMUASKAN Tak peduli kemana anda ingin melanjutkan pendidikan tinggi; pintu gerbang TOEFL harus dilewati. Bagi kita yang bukan pembicara native bahasab Inggris, melewati ujian TOEFL bagaikan menghadapi momok menakutkan yang tanpa melawatinya kita tak akan dapat melanjutkan perjalanan.