Introduction to Geology Volume 2 : Earth History Part I Early Stages of Earth History LOW-PRICED EDITION
This texbook is the first of two separately published but integrated parts which together provide a compherensive outline of earth history covering the whole of the geological time-span on a world -wide basis. The two books are presented as an entity, integrating the records of events that took place at or near the earth's surface with those of tectonic, metamorphic and magmatic events occuringat depth in the crust. The emphasis is on the development of large geological units such as mobile belts and basins of deposition. Local details are presented, where appropriate, in relation to the evolution of these units. Economic mineral deposits are discussed in the same context.
Part I deals with the early stages in the history of the geological evoulution of large crustal units up to late Precambrian times. Many of the themes introduced in this book are developed in part II.
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